Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Finally!!! Number one on my 30 Before 30 list, getting a tattoo is DONE!
Something I wanted from a long time ago. I remembered, since I was about 14 I wanted to have a tattoo. I always like to make those temporary ones. This time, it is real and permanent. The letter "L" is inked!

Being inked

The tattoo artist

My process of getting a tattoo was not an easy one. I was introduced to the tattoo artist by my co-worker. His name is Andre. The tattoo artist wanted me to have a clean and healthy tattoo, and I surely agreed with that. So he asked me to do some blood test (which were more expensive than the tattoo itself!). Because it was my first tattoo (not my last, hopefully...), I did all the blood test he recommended. A HIV-test was needed. It took 3 days for the result. It was negative, well, it was supposed to be because the fact that my life was far from crazy things (before 2011) and I even considered boring hahaha... I had the tattoo at my house! Yes, the tattoo artist was so kind he would likely go to our house with his lots and lots of equipment. It took 15 minutes to prepare and only about 10 minutes to make my letter "L" tattoo. And yes it hurt, it's a tattoo after all, but it's so bearable! So here I'm, inked with the letter "L". I love it so much!


  1. Cie Lieshaaaaaa!!! SO COOL!
    Pingin juga tato tapi takutttt..keren cieee!

  2. Thank you Agata :) udah laaaaamaaaa bgt pinginnya hehehe...
