Royal people, royal engagement, royal wedding had made a big beautiful love fairy tale to watch!
On April 29, I watched the Royal Wedding of Prince William and Kate all day. What a lovely wedding! I guess every little girls would have made that scene something to look for when the grew older. It was a beautiful day to get married and everything worked-out so perfectly!
And what everyone was waiting for was of-course: the wedding kiss!
Meet Matt Harding. Matt loves to dance. And even though he dance rather "badly", but he manages to dance badly around the world! This is a very inspiring video.
See how the simplest idea could turn into a beautiful creation? That's the beauty of a dream.
This is 5 reasons why I really need a diet: 1. My clothes don't fit anymore!: The real measurement is not the scale, but it is the clothes. 2. I don't move a lot: Getting fatter makes me don't want to move. And don't want to move makes me fat! It's a deadly cycle. 3. Too much is wasted: Not only money, but time too! 4. I'm going on a trip to the islands on May: I want to look fabulous. It's the beach! Hahahaha... 5. I only eat for the sake of eating: That's the worst cause! Food is pleasure. I should give more attention on what I eat.
To do that, I won't take on a ridiculous diet, but by simple changing my lifestyle. I read this beautiful book by Mireille Guiliano (Meer-ray Julie-ano). The book is called: French Women Don't Get Fat: The Secret of Eating for Pleasure. When I got the book, I thought it was just another diet book, but when I actually read it, it changes my perspective on life! The book is more about the life of French women. She recommends bread, Champagne, chocolate and romance as key ingredients to a balanced diet and lifestyle. The author is a French woman who studies in America. Because of that, she figured out about French women's art of living. It's that kind of art that I wish I could captured.
This is a little clip about Mireille Guiliano, the author.
Because the noodles have LOVE too! :) I made this "seafood" noodle with my mum. The heart in the middle is love... Errr... what I meant is seaweeds HAHAHA! What's your food love?
This is a collate of my journey in November 2010. It's the sequence of places that I've visited. There's a story in every place that I captured. I will update about it later. It's all about walking, walking, and more walk! What I love about this journey is that I did it almost spontaneously, with little planning and I had a lot of fun!
This quote really reminds me to ENJOY LIFE more and more and more! I spend 9 of my precious hours a day doing a day job I don't like, but from that 9 hours I can make it more enjoyable by giving a little twist fun anytime I could. So I think, nothing will go to waste :)
It was Saturday night and Teddy had a dinner playdate! So Teddy went to the city. It was crowded that night. It's not easy for little Teddy to cross the road. The cars passed by so fast, so little Teddy had to run. The sidewalk were also too high, so Teddy had to climb it. After a long way to get to the restaurant, Teddy was so exhausted. But seeing an old friend is just worth it!
Meet Gabrielle. She just turns 4 yesterday. She loves Tinkerbell so much. And hey, look what she got for her birthday! A pair of wings!
Whether you are 4 or 44, it's never too late to dream. Maybe it's just the dream that's different, but somehow, just remember that feeling. Dreams do come true.
When I first saw this wind chimes, the first thing I thought was Pixar's movie, UP!
Maybe it's 'just' another cartoon movie, but that's not how I felt. It's so much a story of life dan dreams. It made me tear-up! Ellie and Carl had a big dream and they believe and live to it. It made me felt ashamed of myself, because when I'm stuck in finding what I dreamed of, I stopped trying. I always forget the 'little Ellie' that is always eager to travel the world. Maybe I focussed too much on the obstacles. That's why when I found the wind chimes, I have to buy it. It will always remind me of little Ellie. I really love this little girl, because she's not like those ordinary little cartoon girls, who is pretty and fairy-like, but little Ellie was so full of life and is the type of girl that I was :)
This beautiful story from Pixar has inspired National Geography to make a real life house that can fly with balloons. See the clip bellow...
See how amazing one dream can do if you really live to it? The next time I confront with obstacles, I will remember this movie and will continue until I reached it.
Have you seen the movie? It's top rated, my friend :) It's not only about the singing and dancing, but specially about the life lesson that is great. Maybe it's a typical American dream story, but it'll always get my interest. Small town girl with big dreams got what she wanted in the big city (not in an easy way). I wondered how many "real" life stories that is like that? How many people really dare to go and risk everything to pursue their dreams? It gave me the same feelings when I watched those reality shows like American Idol, American Next Top Model, Project Runaway, etc. It is always fascinating to get a little encouragement by watching what other "real" people do to pursue their dreams. I need that sometimes because you need to look up once in while. Actually, if I didn't watch this movie, I think I've thrown all of my dreams in a box and buried it.... So maybe it's just a reminder, especially to those who is almost letting go of what you dreamed of.
The highlight of this movie is when Cher sang "Last of me". I loved it sooooo much! I have been at that point of life. It was on December 2008, the hardest part of pursuing my dreams so far, but I went through all of that. Thanks to a my lovely friends. Anyway, when I first saw this song, it made me tear up. You should see this!
And what's a movie without the guys? HAHAHA... I loved Jack, played by Cam Gigandet. Maybe it's the way that he stares, so intense... huuumm...